Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Food For Thought - Lamb Meatballs

Like the rest of the meatballs that I make (remember how convenient they are? whenever you're hungry, they're in the fridge, like a friend, just waiting for you), these are really, really easy. The thing is, we dont' eat them as often as we do the chicken meatballs or the turkey meatballs. Red meat is a treat in our house, a once in a while kind of thing that we get to have when we've been good or when our body cries out for a little more substance, like when we are building more muscle. I like red meat and my trainer advocates the eating of red meat - SOMETIMES. I recently began buying organic red meat because of that article about the woman who ate the burger that was made with tainted beef, got ecoli and ended up paralyzed. I don't want to be an alarmist; but I also don't want to be in a wheelchair.

So regarding these lamb meatballs...

I buy fresh ground lamb and I mix up the meat with onion, garlic and crushed red pepper (my usual spices) and then I use a lot of oregano. I make the meatballs a nice small to medium size - big is no fun with any food. You want to be able to fit your food in your mouth and enjoy the experience of eating it.

Now here's the deal about the way I cook these. I NEVER FRY MEAT. Too fatty -- especially lamb. I use a Nuwave oven (it changed my life)

but you can use a George Foreman Grill or your broiler or anything else that gets the meat OUT OF ITS' OWN FAT.

The other thing is - don't overcook your lamb. It's not good when it is dry. Better juicy.

These are good cold, they are good microwaved, they are good right out of the cooker.



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