Thursday, November 19, 2009

Food For Thought - A Quick and Healthy Hot Afternoon Tea

I have to keep food prepared and in the fridge at all times because my schedule is insane so I need to be able to grab and go. It also makes it easier when I am on the kind of diet that requires the measuring out of 8 ounces. So I have Ziplock (Rubbermaid, Tupperware, etc.) containers filled with pre cooked chicken, pre chopped broccoli, etc. for my grabbing and going pleasure.

One of the things I always have in the fridge is chunks of chicken breast, seasoned with some onion and garlic and red pepper, then grilled. I take 8 ounces of this chicken and sautee it on the stove in a small skillet with a drizzle of olive oil, add some chunks of red bell pepper (others will do – I just happen to like red), some cherry tomatoes (or grape tomatoes) and when they are warmed through I take my carton of eggwhites (I buy the Food Emporium brand – they are less expensive than Pappetti – and Egg Beaters adds stuff to their “egg product”) and pour some eggwhites over the mixture of meat and vegetables. It makes for a nice little egg (white) scramble; a warm meal to have around four in the afternoon to keep your metabolism up.

You can do this with any combination of vegetables, too. Sometimes I do this with turkey breast, tomato and fresh basil. Sometimes I use asparagus or broccoli (pre steamed) with whichever poultry I am using. It’s like a salad. Mix and Match.

BUT HEALTHY! No cheese! No bacon! Use your head and BE HEALTHY!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just make me hungry! That sounds fabulous AND do-able. Thanks!


9:24 AM  

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