Calista Who?

Well, it's happened again. I have had to suffer another series of remarks, unsolicited advices, derisions and judgements based on photos that I have either emailed people or posted online of myself in the Gay Pride Parade. The comments are all different in their structure and in the words that are chosen to actually express the sentiment. What is? I will tell you what is their sentiment.
"You have a problem with your weight."
Why do people think that it is acceptable to criticize a person for being healthy? Why do people think that it is alright to insult a person with words that suggest that they don't know how to take care of themselves? Why do people think that it is not an afront to tell a person that they are, actually, stupid enough to neglect their well being in the name of vanity?
I must say, I am reaching a point where I will either begin striking, striking out at or simply cutting off people who criticize the way I have chosen to live my life by suggesting that I have an eating disorder, that I am being unhealthy, that I am obsessive, that I am underweight or that I should eat something. Their unsolicited opinions are not welcome, their comments are insulting and their judgements are an invasion of my privacy. I excercise. I work with a trainer. I have a series of healers who all proclaim me to be in good health. I eat, and good food too, every 90 to 120 minutes. And I think the differences in fat Ste and healthy Ste, as seen in the photos above, are proof that I have acted wisely upon my health situation.
I wonder if it is just because I was so fat that they are in a shock, seeing me this fit... Or is it that no one wants to see someone else do that which they, themselves, haven't the will power or stamina to do? Is it just jealousy?
Oh, wait. I forgot. What is in their heads is not my problem. My problem is self authenticity, which I have in spades.
To that end, I guess I don't really have a problem.
when I weghed 100 pounds, people always thought I had some sort of eating disorder, but I always ate what I wanted,(remember stanky food ). I wouldn't dream of touching most of what I ate back then. Aw, their just jealous.
Stanky Foooood!!!!
They ARE jealous, aren't they?
OooEee ,You added pics!
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