Posted on my other blogs, announcing this new blog to whatever readership I have, this posting has the links to all the places my rambling thoughts can be read, on the internet. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.... SM
For the record, for anyone who reads me, I have yet ANOTHER blog now! My friend Lisa-Gabrielle has recently become computer literate (and ONLY, she insists) because her young daughter is learning computers at school. Now, she is COMPLETELY hooked! She created a blog on BlogSpot and in order to view her blog and post comments, I had to create a profile. Every place where I have created a blog, every site has different perks that are quite fun! I am determined to NOT become one of those people who is in a little room all day, in front of a computer, so I am attempting to do my blogging in the middle of the night when there is no sun to enjoy. As with Livejournal and Myspace, I am cutting and pasting stories--but I have decided to do something a little different on each one site. So, though there may be repetitions on each site, there will also be individual stories for sites. For instance, I can post photos at Blogspot! I can post music and moods and books and dvds at Myspace. And at Livejournal, it is all about the written word.
So here are my links, folks. Read them or don't. It is all about choices.
Here is my choice: I send you all peace, love and light.
photo by David Cerame
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