Back In Business And Ain't It Grand..

....let the good times roll!
It's been two years since I closed The Stephen Mosher Studio to focus on:
--getting my spiritual life on track
--my artwork, rather than the business drone
--getting my emotional and mental banks balanced and out of overdraft.
--rennovating our apartment
And I am elated to report that my personal quests in the areas of spirituality, good health (physical, emotional and mental) and creation of art are all flush. The rennovation is another matter, as is my financial bank balance. The financial thing and the fact that I have, so, missed my work were the main reasons I decided to re open my studio. Also, the change in headshot styles during my hiatus will give me the opportunity to grow as an artist, to have some fun, to challenge myself!
I have done some shoots in the last few weeks; some headshots, some benefit performances, Jennifer Lopez in performance... Bobby McGuire remarked that he hasn't seen me this happy behind a camera in three years! I have noted that he is right. Not one of my shoots has been anything but a joy, a pleasure. What's more, because I was going to need to run an ad in the annual REPRODUCTIONS HEADSHOT PHOTOGRAPHER'S GUIDE, I had to beef up my colour headshot portfolio. Therefore, I was given a chance to do photos of several of my dearest friends, so that the ad would be current. The experience was heavenly! Simply heavenly.
The resulting ad will run in the fall but here, on the Stephen Mosher blog, it is being unveiled for the first time, publically. The ad is a two page spread--page one is seen here, page two can be seen below.
Now......I don't want to toot my own horn
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