Big Brother is Watching
By Facebook.
I don't understand.
No, truly. I don't understand. I don't know what's going on. Do they have little closed minded Facebook Nazis who patrol the profiles of artists and kick them offline if something remotely sexy turns up on their profile? Because my friend, Thomas Synnamon is a photographer who shoots beautiful photos of men in a state of undress; they are sexy pictures, to say the least -- but nary a penis has turned up in any of those photos. I'm not even sure a buttock has appeared in any of his photos. Nevertheless, he has been booted off Facebook a few times now.
Speaking for myself -- I haven't actively or with knowledge posted any penises, breasts, vaginas or sexually active photos on my profile. Once, I accidentally posted a photo of Pat, shot in the nude, where his junk was showing. I was so busy looking at his face that I didn't notice that his penis was peeking out from the back of his inner thigh. It was deleted by Facebook and I apologized profusely, shame facedly, earnestly. The next time I came up against Facebook, I posted some photos of myself that were shot by Thomas. They are beautiful photos and I am nude in them; but I cropped them above the private parts -- however, I guess a little manly, human hair is too much for Facebook because they deactivated my account. It took much groveling and three days to get the account re instated. I swore I would not post the offending photos again.
The thing that confuses me is this --
I didn't show one penis. I didn't show any fornication. I showed a couple who was in love, holding each other lovingly and sexily and romantically; but not graphically sexually. There is some buttock action -- but there have been buttocks on my Facebook profile for years -- tastefully photographed buttocks, on my profile, for years.
I don't know what's going on at Facebook. I only know that it is a system I cannot beat. If I want to showcase my artwork (of a more adult nature) I will have to do it elsewhere. I would love to do it at my website but my website designer went MIA a couple of years ago and we don't know how to make the changes to the site that we want to make. It hasn't been updated since something like 2005 and I want to update it, badly. It is, after all, my name, my website. I would like to change it to reflect my writing, my new photos, my health and fitness passions. Alas, I don't know how and said website designer is just gone baby gone. I'll confront that matter later, I guess.
In the meantime, since blogger allows for adult content, I guess I must begin showcasing my work here. I don't want to keep trying the patience of the team at Facebook. It IS their playground; I must play by their rules. I have tried to get a clear cut answer about what I can and cannot post on Facebook but they don't want to tell me; they prefer to refer me to their list of FAQs, which is so much information, so vague, that I cannot decipher it. So I will not, simply will not, push this envelope. I love Facebook. It hooks me up with my friends from today, from yesterday, from my childhood, from the future (I've made new friends on Facebook!). I love Facebook. I want to stick around. So if the good folks at Facebook want me to censor my artwork, I will. I can handle it. I'm a grown up. I'll stick to the benign and artistic, the non adult and non racy photos, for the sake of playing by their rules.
I can't help wondering what is wrong with these photos? These are, by the way, the pictures in question. These photos in this story are the ones I posted this morning. And by four-thirty today I was writing a pleading email to the team at Facebook, promising to lay off the grown up photos and play by their rules.
It's art. It's just art.
Maybe THAT is what people actually think is REALLY dirty.
I appreciate the beauty of your art… The male body is a wonderful thing. I am glad you found an outlet for your art. Thank you for the beautiful photos.
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